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Torrent The Magdalene Sisters Vostfr Torrent

четверг 28 февраля admin 71
Torrent The Magdalene Sisters Vostfr Torrent 9,2/10 1067 reviews

Sep 23, 2017 - mobile payment The Magdalene Sisters year 2002 pay mp4 torrent. Sisters 'year 2002 Kickass Torrents., 'indian.

A thoroughly mind-provoking film about 3 young women who, under tragic circumstances, see themselves cast away to a Magdalene Asylum for young women in 1964. One of many like institutions, the asylums are run like prisons and young girls are forced to do workhouse laundry and hard labor. The asylum, one of many that existed in theocratic Catholic Ireland, is for supposedly 'fallen' women. Here, young girls are imprisoned indefinitely and endure agonizing punishments and a long, harsh working system which leaves them physically drained and mentally damaged. As the girls bond together, it soon becomes clear that the only way out of the Magdalene convent is to escape, but with twisted Sister Bridget running the wing, any chances seem limited. Because I don't rate movies based on my personal convictions, I have to (begrudgingly) admit this is a very good movie. This was the first and only time I had ever wanted to walk out of a movie because it's directed, acted, and written so painfully well that you can't help but feel yourself drawn into the lives of these women.

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Torrent The Magdalene Sisters Vostfr Torrent

This movie does absolute justice to the women who had to endure life at the mercy of the Magdalene sisters. It's not a campy story of the human spirit. It's an actual invitation to experience how wretched 'fallen women's' lives once were in 1960s Ireland. To clarify, I wanted to leave the theater because I was so convinced by the picture, I almost felt as though I was IN the convent. I don't recommend this movie for those sensitive about women's issues (like me), but if you really want to see how 'drama' can border on 'horror,' by all means, rent it.